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 3+ yıl  SIMO TEBBAA  0 yorum   

Pink Himalayan salt has gown incredibly popular over the last few years, and there’s a reason for it. What makes it different from all other salts apart from the beautiful pink colour? Well, it’s the purest salt on Earth! Mined from the depths of the Himalayan Mountains, this salt has been lying deep underground under thick layers of snow, ice, and hard lava for thousands of years. So it doesn’t really come as a surprise that this pristine salt has some really amazing health benefits. Here are 7 benefits of pink Himalayan salt.

 3+ yıl  SIMO TEBBAA  0 yorum   

Главной новостью последних дней стала сенсационная съемка российской модели в ОАЭ. Фотографии получились настолько экстремальными, что на них без дрожи и потных ладошек нельзя смотреть, поэтому новость не сходит со страниц таблоидов. Предупреждаем: не пытайтесь повторить опыт питерской модели Виктории Одинцовой, это опасно для жизни!

 3+ yıl  SIMO TEBBAA  0 yorum   

Hurricane Irma did some serious destruction – over 25% of homes in the Florida Keys were totally flattened. But where there is a powerful natural disaster, there is a powerful community who will persevere in rebuilding and making their ruined land strong again. So we still have hope. But this catastrophic Hurricane is the most intense since 2007, and these wild pictures are here to prove it.

 3+ yıl  SIMO TEBBAA  0 yorum